Wednesday, August 12, 2009

My Hair

In an effort to thicken my baby fine shiny healthy hair I permed it at home. While I dont regret the decision its a catch 22. My hair looks fuller and really holds curls well but it is fragile and it seems like I am losing more hair. The last time I lost so much hair was when I did not eat for three months in college. It was my sad and desperate attempt (the only thing that worked) to lose weight.

I am mulling over differing approaches to hair loss. Lumagen, a glaucoma medication causes extreme growth of the eyelashes with few side effects. I will research a bit more and decide between that and progaine or even something like spiro. Honestly its not a big deal, there are other bigger fish to fry, but I will not miss being able to finger comb my hair and having it dry in 3 minutes flat.

I guess its time to find a real stylist up for a challenge. My last haircut lasted all of ten minutes and it shows! I've never had a worse haircut! I miss my old stylist. I miss the gays (believe me no one was straight and I loved it!!) in the salon in Mexico that are so so so dependable!

Fresh, clean slate

After many years of struggling with my weight, I finally pestered (advocated for myself) doctors enough to listen to my concerns in light of my "healthy" lab results. It seems that my healthy lifestyle was keeping me from getting diagnosed with PCOS and other things despite my years of complaints.

I am finally on "the" magic bullet for my particular weight loss struggle: Metformin...the diahbeeehtus (think of the liberty commercial) medication. In only three days in and I have already garnered a five pound weightloss!!! Incredible in light of the miles and miles I ran for hours on end on just 1500 calories a day which would only lead to that much in one or even two months of hard work, if that (if I had not reached a plateau).

Many women with PCOS are overweight, some are not. Many start their weightloss journey as a brand new "lifestyle" change. I can proudly say that my lifestyle does NOT need changing!!! I have all the tools, I am not on a healthy diet (I already eat "diet amounts" calorically on an everyday basis). I just eat lean protein, legumes and fresh fruits, veggies and whole grains (except for that 35 cal bread).

So I now finally !!! have the energy to workout given that metformin is "releasing" the energy in the foods I eat. Whereas in the past, it was all getting turned into fat. I guess this is not going to be one of those inspirational blogs where I tell you how I did it. This is a documentation of my thoughts and feelings so that I am accountable on days that I am unmotivated. I also hope to pen this memoir as a tool for women that are not yet diagnosed. This is not going to be laden with medical jargon or abbreviations, instead my thoughts, emotions, physical state will be documented.